Gum disease starts out as gingivitis — which is a simple inflammation and redness along the gums — but if it goes untreated, those tissues begin to physically detach from the tooth they support.
Symptoms of Periodontal Disease Common symptoms of gum disease include:
Bleeding when you brush or floss Swollen,
tender gums
Bad breath
Gum recession / “long teeth”Gaps between teethFood getting caught when you eatToothmobilityTartar buildup
What Causes Gum Disease?
Periodontal disease is caused by plaque biofilm, which contains numerous infectious bacteria and bacterial byproducts. When flossing isn’t part of your daily routine, it allows plaque accumulation to build up along and underneath your gum tissues. Left alone, they calcify into tartar or “calculus”. At that point, the hard buildup can’t be cleaned away with a toothbrush or floss. The continual exposure to bacteria results in a cyclic infection that causes gum tenderness, bleeding, swelling, and detachment of the supporting structures.
Oral-Systemic Health Risks
Your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body. Any time there are issues such as bleeding gums, oral swelling, or visible discharge, it’s important to realize that the dental infection is straining your immune system. Numerous health studies have shown that active oral diseases like periodontitis can complicate underlying health issues, making certain medical conditions worse (and less responsive to treatment.) Those same researchers also show us that treating periodontal disease can have a positive impact on your health. In some cases, gum treatments improved things like blood glucose levels and infertility challenges within three months post-therapy.
Is Periodontal Disease Reversible?
Gingivitis is reversible. Gum disease is not. Since periodontitis destroys the tissues surrounding and supporting your tooth, it’s crucial to intercept it as early as possible. Bone simply does not grow back. Gum tissues do not either. However, it’s possible to encourage an environment where detached gingiva (gums) can reattach to the surface of your tooth root. When this process takes place, it reduces the depth of your gum pocket and prevents additional bone deterioration.
Best Treatments for Gum Disease
The best treatment for gum disease is prevention. Active periodontal disease is typically treated with a series of deep cleanings (periodontal scaling and root planing) to remove the calcified, infectious bacteria from below your gums. If there’s too much buildup to perform an exam, a debridement is sometimes added into the process.
Preventative cleanings (prophylaxis visits) are used to maintain and prevent gum disease. These are the cleanings you usually schedule every six months. However, if you have active periodontitis, a preventive cleaning will not be adequate for the situation. Following your deep cleanings, periodontal maintenance cleanings will be scheduled every 3-4 months until symptoms are controlled. In some cases, these maintenance visits are alternated with your traditional preventative cleanings. Aggressive periodontal disease may need additional adjunctive therapies, such as: antibiotics, prescription mouthwash, locally placed medication (antibiotic capsules), laser therapy, bone grafts, or tissue grafting if damage to surrounding bone. Advanced cases may require surgery.